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Enviromental Management


At Stinson Aerial Services we bring innovation to the heart of British Columbia’s forestry industry with cutting-edge drone technology.

Our drones make the inaccessible accessible with high resolution data that provides you with the information you need to make informed decisions without leaving your office. From pre-harvest inventories to tagging and volumetrics Stinson Aerial can help you with all stages of your forestry operations.

Forestry Management Services offered by Stinson Aerial Services Inc. include:

  • Precise Inventory and Mapping
  • Tagging/Pre-marking
  • Accelerated Reforestation
  • Volumetrics

Environment / Landscape Management

At Stinson Aerial Services we provide the tools and experience to support landscape planning and management.

Managing cultural and environmental risks is a key to the long term health of our Communities. Stinson Aerial Services can help you with all stages of your environmental and landscape level management planning.

Environment / landscape management services offered by Stinson Aerial Services Inc. include:

  • Coastline surveillance
  • Landslide impacts
  • Inventory
  • Stream management
  • Roads / access
  • Conservation efforts
  • Change over time
  • Wildlife monitoring
Drainage Network Mapping