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Forest management that benefits the first nations community

We can provide a transparent, strategic business development and operations service for First Nations forestry lands. This includes Community Forests, Timber Sale Licences and those forest lands governed under First Nations oversight, such as the Nisga’a Forest Act.

Ravenbow Inc. is driven to increase the bottom line for First Nation people by maximizing Value and Volume from the forests, while managing Cultural, Environmental, Landscape and Heritage Resources. We strive to ensure ecological sustainability in all phases.

By combining the diversity of our backgrounds and experiences, we are well positioned to provide a turnkey operation covering many different logistical aspects from Forest Planning and Engineering, Falling, Quality Control to sourcing and managing the appropriate Aircraft(s) for each forest operation.

It starts with the Tree. We will minimize breakage and value loss through our planning systems and increase the potential yield from each forest stand.

The improved economic benefit begins with Planning. Integrating a systematic approach towards Total Chance operations will ensure that Value and Volume is maximized during each harvesting operation.

Our goal is to minimize the environmental footprint to provide ecological sustainability for future generations. We can source precision lift aircraft from lights to heavy capable of up to 20,000 pounds of lift.

Our focus is to optimize the forest resource while respecting the cultural and environmental needs of the First Nations people that we work with.

Why Choose Us?

By combining the diversity of our backgrounds and experiences, we are well positioned to provide a turnkey operation covering many different logistical aspects from Forest Planning and Engineering, Falling, Quality Control to sourcing and managing the appropriate Aircraft(s) for each forest operation.


We will minimize breakage and value loss through our planning systems and increase the potential yield from each forest stand. It starts with the Tree.


The improved economic benefit begins with Planning. Integrating a systematic approach towards Total Chance operations will ensure that Value and Volume are maximized during each harvesting operation.


Our goal is to minimize the environmental footprint to provide ecological sustainability for future generations. We can source precision lift aircraft from lights to heavy capable of up to 20,000 pounds of lift


Our focus is to optimize the forest resource while respecting the cultural and environmental needs of the First Nations people that we work with.

Who is Ravenbow?

Stinson Aerial Services is managed by Tim Stinson, Stinson Aerial Services Managing Director. Stinson has many years of aviation experience, particularly helicopter management for the forestry and the oil and gas industry.

Tim Stinson

Tim has many years of aviation experience, particularly helicopter management for the forestry and the oil and gas industry. Prior to founding Stinson Aerial Services, Tim was Operations Manager for the Oil & Gas Segment and Global Business at Erickson Air-Crane Inc.

George Jeffrey

George was instrumental in forming this business venture. George comes from the Tsimshian / Gitsxan heritages and currently resides in Qualicum, BC. George has over 20 years experience working with aircraft in a variety of management roles both in Canada and the United States. George first began his helicopter logging career with Silver Grizzly, which later evolved to become Canadian Air-Crane.